I don’t want to have to go into debt in order to stay alive.

Patient Testimonies | February 20, 2020

My name is Carol Robertson and I am a longtime resident of Laurel, Mississippi. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 1993. Since then, my life has been altered unimaginably –– and in recent years, my finances have been affected tremendously. Insulin and diabetes supplies used to be affordable, but now the prices are simply absurd.

I recently ordered a three-month supply of Trulicity and discovered it would cost me $576. I also take Levemir, and the last time I ordered it, the cost was $800. That is simply too much money. But I was forced to pay for them because I need my medication to survive. What can I do? I need it. I put it on my credit card and accumulate interest on it.  And I go without the more expensive, healthy food my doctor recommends to help manage my diabetes.

I don’t want to have to go into debt in order to stay alive. I’m 81 years old and living on a fixed income. I do my best to keep my house up as best I can, and I love to spend time with my husband. But I spend so much of my time and energy worrying about being able to afford my medication.

We need more people to raise their voices and fight for lower drug prices. I urge my fellow citizens to share their stories and join the fight.